UNS N08800 Allen Head Bolt, Incoloy 800, 1 inch, 170 to 220HB

Key Specifications / Features

Model No.: QS 24 F 28
Hits: 1
UNS N08800 Allen Head Bolt, Incoloy 800, 1 inch, Hardness 170 to 220 HB, Length 150 mm, For Heat Exchangers and Piping Systems, High Temperature Corrosion Resistance.
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Detail Information

Name: UNS N08800 Allen Head Bolt
Material: Incoloy 800
Size: 1 inch
Hardness: 170 to 220 HB
Length: 150 mm
Application: For Heat Exchangers and Piping Systems
Feature: High Temperature Corrosion Resistance
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