Insulation Flange Gasket Kit, Type E, G10 Carrier, PTFE Quad Seal

Key Specifications / Features

Model No.: QS 23 G 217
Hits: 5
Insulation Flange Gasket Kit, Type E, G10 Carrier, PTFE Quad Seal, 2 Inch, 150LB, G10 Sleeve and Washers, Zinc Coating Steel Washers, For Galvanic Corrosion Protection and Electrical Insulation.
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Detail Information

Name: Insulation Flange Gasket Kit
Type: E
Carrier: G10
Sealing: PTFE Quad Seal
Size: 2 Inch
Class: 150LB
Complete: G10 Carrier with G10 Sleeve and Washers, Zinc Coating Steel Washers
Application: For Galvanic Corrosion Protection and Electrical Insulation
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