QS 23 G 104
GRE Insulating Gasket Kit in Size 2 1/2 Inch Designed for Low Pressure Flange, Type E , Retainer GRE, Seal Viton, Sleeves GRE, Backup Zinc-plated Steel
QS 23 G 102
MCG SS Core Insulating Gasket, Class 2500#, Type F for RTJ Flange, Retainer GRE, SS316 Core, Seal PTFE Spring-energized, Sleeves GRE, Washer Isolating GRE
QS 23 G 100
MCG Insulating Gasket Type F for Ring Joint Face Flange, G10, GRE, SS316 Core, Seal PTFE Spring-energized, Sleeves G10 (GRE), Washer Isolating GRE
QS 23 G 98
Flange Isolation Kit Cathodic Protection, Gasket compound, G10 SS316 Viton, PTFE Sleeves, G10 Insulating Washer, Steel Washer Zinc Plated, RTJ Flange
QS 23 G 96
Insulating Gasket, Consisting of Insulating Flange Gasket Insulating Washer, Insulating Sleeve, Carrier Disc Phenol, Sealing Nitrile for Natural Gas
QS 23 G 94
Isolation Gasket Kit, Insulating Flange Gasket, Insulating Washer, Insulating Sleeve, Materials of Carrier Disc G10, Sealing Element Viton, Version E
QS 23 G 92
Insulating Kit, Consisting of Insulating Flange Gasket, Insulating Washers, Insulating Sleeves, Carrier Disc G10, Sealing Element Viton, Version E
QS 23 G 90
Insulation Kit for Flange in Size DN 400 Class 600, Verision E, Insulating washers, Insulating sleeves, Carrier Disc G10, Sealing Element Viton
QS 23 G 88
Flange Insulation Gasket Kit Designed for High Pressure RTJ Flange, Rating 900#, Type F, G10 + SS316 Core Viton Seal, Sleeves PTFE, Washer G10 + ZPS